Hello. Happy lent. The first twenty four hours have concluded, I am sitting on the couch watching seinfeld season nine on DVD.
I Began the day with The Sunday's debut album and it was wonderful. The springtime melted into rain and cold, which then froze into snow overnight. The walkman treated me well, but thirty seconds into the first song on side B it started to crackle pretty badly, but eventually it evened back out. I had a photo critique today that went about as poorly as the prospective worries that played out in my head. I walked around with the discman and did some homework for the second half of the day, which unfortunately stops playing at random occasions. It claims to be opened, which is really annoying, and I am in the market for a new one. if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
I watched a lot of film today. Lilo and Stitch was played on my broken disc drive, taped shut, connected by dongle, and played on VLC media player. It was pretty good, although I do find that the "ugly duckling" plotline is done best in The Iron Giant and all other instances leave something to be desired. This ones crux? It is a little bit too on the nose (the alien openly calling stitch a loser and a misfit while he is attacking) and the plot tries to interconnect in confusing ways. After that, me and my roomate watched Free Birds which was lowkey amazing. I was really impressed.
I had a lot of fun with lent day one. There were moments in clubs or otherwise where streamed music was unavoidable, but at least the things on my own volition felt really good. I did not go to catholic mass today because it was late, cold, and I was nervous to go. I am not catholic. I did not feel comfortable. not yet, at least.